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Productive Pathway Terms of Service

Last Updated April 27, 2017
  1. You may only use the Services to store, retrieve, query, serve, and execute Your Content that is owned, licensed or lawfully obtained by you. As used in these Service Terms "Your Content includes any "Company Content" and any "Customer Content".
  2. You must comply with the current technical documentation applicable to the Services (including the applicable developer guides) as posted by us and updated by us from time to time on this site.
  3. If we reasonably believe any of Your Content violates the law, infringes or misappropriates the rights of any third party or otherwise violates a material term of the Agreement, we will notify you of the prohibited content and may request that such content be removed from the services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may remove or disable access to any prohibited content or this service without prior notice in connection with illegal content, where the content may disrupt or threaten the Services, or as required to comply with law or any judicial, regulatory or other governmental order or request. In the event that we remove content without prior notice, we will provide prompt notice to you unless prohibited by law.
  4. You will ensure that all information you provide to us via the this site (for instance, information provided in connection with your registration for the services, etc.) is accurate, complete and not misleading.
  5. From time to time, we may apply upgrades, patches, bug fixes or other maintenance to the Service Offerings ("Maintenance"). We agree to use reasonable efforts to provide you with prior notice of any scheduled maintenance (except for emergency maintenance) and you agree to use reasonable efforts to comply with any maintenance requirements that we notify you about.
  6. We may collect certain information about requests you make, including CPU utilization, memory usage, IO performance, and error and information messages.
  7. You are responsible for all fees incurred from use of this service authenticated by your credentials regardless of the results obtained, the quality of the resulting data, whether a request runs successfully, or if you authorized the request.
  8. You are solely responsible for monitoring the status of your requests. We may throttle or terminate requests that we determine degrade the performance of the services, or any component of the services. We are not responsible for any data loss or data corruption that occurs as part of your requests.

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